The main story is about two scientists working in a lab analyzing a block of ice they have found in the mountains. When suddenly one notices a blink in the ice cube. Then the ice cube starts to crack, until it finally shatters. Two scientists start runnig towards the elevator pushing each other aside.
When elevator's doors open both of the scientists run out. While runnig past the mail box one (the fat one) stops to check mail and starts to browse. Tall scientist pushes him to start runnig further towards the forest. Where they stumble in to other yetis'. When scientists' turn around they see the first yeti approaching and realise that they're cornered. Then two yetis' pull out party hats and a "Welcome home, Dave!" banner. Dave pushes scientists aside and goes to hug his friends. And they live happily ever after.
Schedule for this task:
1 week - planning, designing characters, storyboarding
2 - 3 week - start building the set and characters. We hope to get them done in two weeks
4 week - capturing ainmation
5 week - editing.
We also made a list of characters:
2 scientists (tall and short)
1 yeti (or maybe 3 more).
Underground lab
"Monsters Inc."
We have decided on the size of the characters. My task for the weekends is to construct the armatures for two scientists: one tall (about 6inches) and the short one (3-4 inches) and yeti (8 inches).
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